Nagarhole Diary (Sep 2021)

Strobilanthus seduced. Visions of dazzling blue slopes crowding the horizon cascaded in the mind’s eye as I hurriedly packed my bag and hopped into the car for a six-hour drive to Coorg where kurinji had been spotted. But my date with the blossoms was not to be. They were already withering, their piercing blue turning pale and patchy. Never mind, Nagarhole, dense with denizens of the striped variety, was just an hour away. Steering through mist and fog, we reached Nagarhole in time for the safari. Ubiquitous elephants and spotted deer, an occasional bison or peacock, but my binoculars would not focus on these. It was set on that singular seduction of the forest – the majestic striped cat preening itself in the thicket. A flash of golden yellow and a head turned towards us as if to ask me why I was so late. Perfect focus and unparalleled exhilaration! (Detailed story will be uploaded after it is published in the print media)