The Stragglers (Work in Progress)

The Stragglers (Work in Progress)

There are journeys that defy definition or slotting. They happen, often without aforethought. And bring a wealth of unanticipated pleasures, pain and perspectives. Perhaps they happen for a reason. Every trip need not be a themed one. Leave some to serendipity and see what it throws up. I did and am richer for it. I believe they too merit documentation. Hence this section.

Come, experience the unmitigated joy of learning studio pottery in quaint Andretta, sauntering through a monstrous gas storage tank skillfully turned into a piece of artwork in Dresden, gaping at Michaealangelo’s handwork on the roof of the Sistine Chapel, experiencing quirky Kazimierz in Krakow or silently mourn with me as I walk you into another gas chamber, indescribably evil and infamous – in Dachau.

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